Wednesday, November 11, 2009

How to pass the time on a long drive

We have become experts at driving 9-14 hours consecutively. It's part of the job and in a 2010 Outback it is actually quite comfortable. Unfortunately, it CAN be a little boring. For all of you about to embark on a road trip, the team decided we should share with you some of the ways that we pass the time:

It almost always comes down to competitions and games! Here's our top 10...
1. Who can select the best gas station souvenir for their loved ones at home? Contrary to popular belief, your mom WILL appreciate a gift from the truck stop. A pair of socks, disco hat...
2. Who can speak in a chosen accent the longest?
3. Slack-jawed car dance off
4. Who can NOT speak the longest. Erin's really good at this one.
5. Sing everything. Every conversation is a little better when it has a tune.
6. I spy with my little eye...
7. The anal car game (this one may not be appropriate for passengers under 18). Add the word "anal" to the front of the model name on the car in front of you, replacing the make (or brand). Try it just got passed by a Ford Explorer...
8. Dave likes to look for the faces in the reflective lights of semi trucks and then come up with the voice that accompanies the face. This is the "talking trucks" game.
9. Make up the life story of the driver next to you.
10. DO sing along with the radio. Or better yet, "meow" along to your favorite tune. More fun than you would think.

And a bonus: Create a crossword for the rest of the team. This is harder than you would think...we'll call it a work in progress.

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